The double-set vibrating dredge-unloader of the silo, the introduction of German technology, the built-in high-frequency vibrating lining plate of the silo, the high-efficient dredging of the silo arch blocking, the stop of the silo blocking, the complete solution of the material bonding hanging wall, pile up layer by layer to form the blockage caused by the reduction of bin capacity... also applicable to the chute and the chute under different conditions of dredge discharge..
The double-mounted vibrating dredger is dedicated to solving a series of technical problems, such as coal bunker/silo/arching/clogging/arch-breaking/dredging/discharging, etc. , replace air cannon to solve the difficult technical problems of clearing and discharging materials, such as chute arching blocking/coal bunker arching blocking/raw coal bunker arching blocking/mixed coal bunker arching blocking/buffer bunker arching blocking/raw material silo arching blocking/loading station arching blocking etc. .
Tel: 0392-3280885
Cell Phone: 13603920885
Contact: manager Zhang
北极星风力发电网获悉,近日国家能源局发布公告:依据《国家能源局关于印发<能源行业标准英文版翻译出版工作管理办法(试行)>的通知》(国能科技〔2016〕44号)有关规定,国家能源局批准《Technical Guide for Usage of High Altitude Wind Turbine Generator Systems》(《高海拔风力发电机组技术导则》)等59项能源行业标准英文版,现予以发布。